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Posts Tagged ‘Wizard 101

You can read the may update notes now.

Have you had a chance to visit the new Pet Pavilion just off the Ravenwood Commons?
Everyone can participate, however you must be at least level 7 to enter the Pet Pavilion. If you are at least level 7 please talk to Merle Ambrose for more information.

The Pet Pavilion is a wondrous place where pets can be trained, hatched, and can even race against each other. Pets are capable of an amazing variety of tasks. The Pet Pavilion is the ideal place to learn about them!

The wizard 101 expansion sounds a lot of fun.

Underwater zones seem so in right now. Perfect World already has one. Guild wars 2 will have one. Now Wizard 101 will have one.

“2010 is shaping up to be an incredible year for the students of Ravenwood School of Magic. Whether exploring the underwater kingdom of Celestia, or hatching and training pets to participate in the Pet Derby, every player–from the newest apprentice to the returning grandmaster–will find something compelling, engaging and fun.”

I think the pets will be the most fun. However it looks fun all round.

When is it out?

Celestia will officially open in late summer. Starting in June players can undertake new quests to discover the secrets of this new world and begin to unlock the story behind Celestia.

I played a lot of different games over the weekend. I played Free Realms, leveling my warrior job a bit. I looked at the new items but did not pick anything up.

I played wizard 101 and did some quests on my life wizard. I think I am nearly finished the zone I am in.

I played my rifle girl in Fallen Earth and spent some time crafting and gathering and questing. I am getting comfortable with using the rifle and moving but I think I still miss a bit too often.  One quest offered me a cowboy hat, but I am currently wearing what looks like a brown cowboy hats so I did not want to change.

I tried out puzzle pirates which was great fun (and is free to play). I also tried to try out another game but it would not run with vista. I also tried Trickster Online which was fun (and is also free to play).

I signed up for the lego universe beta.

West karana has lots of pictures of the new items including wings.

You can also check out what ravenwood news has to say about the new cash shop items.

The wings look very cool.

One of the most requested Mount additions has been a pair of wings, and we’ve got TWO for you to choose from: Seraph Wings and Bat Wings. Both types of wings can be purchased for either gender! These Mounts are only available to purchase from the Crowns Shop for Crowns, but they can also be found on high level bosses of the Spiral!

I am working my way through firecat alley on my life wizard (L 12). I am not getting many xps per kill. I am wondering if perhaps I have leveled past it?

Any thoughts about where I should go?

LOTRO is the case study of what NOT to do when designing housing!

To be 100% honest she is right, eq2 housing blows lotro online housing out of the water.

What lotro has is a step up from games like wow, that doesn’t have housing, or runes of magic (where there is no free items for your house, so its a empty room with a chest), but miles behind EQ2 whose housing is a big draw into the game.

SWG’s housing also has a good rep, and was probably an inspiration to the fallen earth programmers when they were looking at adding social element to their game.

Wizard 101 also has a lovely housing system, you start with a free room and free items from quests or crafting and work your way up to amazing houses and items dropped from high level dungeons.

Free Realms, I really hope that you stole hugely from EQ2 (the videos suggest yes) when you designed your player housing.

If you want to see the patch notes for the December update with the school houses its on the wizard 101 website.

Friendly also has a lot of screenshots on his website.

Basic facts on the houses:

These houses will have space for 250 items outside and 250 items inside! These houses do count towards your total of three houses per character, so players who already have three houses will have to sell one in order to purchase one of these School themed houses.

This housing will be available soon through the SHOP button on your Screen, under the Housing Icon. These houses are priced at 10 000 Crowns, or 100 000 Gold per house.

West karana has all the news on the update today.

The full patch notes are also on the Wizard 101 website.

I had not heard about second chances, a nice idea and a gold sink.

Introducing Second Chances
Have you ever battled your way through a tough dungeon, only to be disappointed that you didn’t receive the reward for your School? Well now players can pay a small fee to get a second chance at what’s in the creatures pockets! Many final boss encounters will contain a chest in the room that offers players a second chance to get the item they wanted off the creature they just defeated. Simply use the chest after your initial duel, pay a few Crowns and you are given a second chance at the exact same rewards the boss drops normally. These chests can only be used a certain number of times per day per character.

Actually with mounts and seamstresses and this, you could call this the patch of the gold sink! Watch all your money go away on these cool new items.

Update: It did not click with me but crowns is the cash shop money (real money) so second chances are not that useful. Friendly has a post where he tried out the second chance feature.

There is a Wizard 101 housing competition on facebook.

It’s easy to enter, just become a fan by clicking “Become a Fan” at the top, and post 1 screenshot per Wizard101 account in the Wizard101 Housing Contest event by Tuesday, October 20. You may take screenshots of any area of your house, inside or outside. Players under 13 may email us their entry at community@wizard101.com with the subject line “Wizard101 Housing Contest.” Make sure you include in the caption:
• “Wizard101 Housing Contest”
• Your character’s name in game (Example: Fiona LionHeart)
• Your school of magic
• Your level
• What type of housing (Dorm, Wooded Cottage, Forested Mansion, Oasis Camp, Desert Villa, Metropolitan Manor, Royal Estate, Tranquil Cottage, Imperial Palace, Great Citadel, or Grand Fortress)

The wishing well from the test realm will not go live. This was due to it teaching kids to gamble (which is banned in a lot of countrys).

Also you can win potion refills? Cool. I never seem to use mine, I don’t think I can see the bottle in dungeons.

Friendly point towards this list of wizard 101 badges recently.

Super handy.

I could probally do

Giant Hunter Global Defeat 50 Giants (trolls, cyclops)
Giant Smasher Global Defeat 100 Giants (trolls, cyclops)
Blood of the Giants Global Defeat 350 Giants (trolls, cyclops)

As I think cyclops are in one of the streets I have bought with crowns.

Playing this week

  • Guild Wars
  • Disgaia 3
