Exploring War Like Worlds.

Archive for June 2010

The release notes can be read forJune 24th, 2010.

Snowhill playground has been added. Can you make your way to the top?

You can also see the new marketplaces items for the pool.

Visit the Marketplace and start the summer with a brand new swimming pool and beach accessories for your house!

Above ground pool, Beach Recliners, Beach Umbrella, Volleyball net and Lifeguard Station

The pool is deep enough to allow you and your friends to go swimming! A lifeguard station is available too, just in case.

Pick up beach recliners, umbrellas and a volley ball net from the Coin Shop to complete your decorating.

To really entertain, you’ll want to add the new Seaside Café and Juice Bar structures to your land.

June membership pack was out yesterday. I picked mine up.
The soccer ball pet is a pet pal, not a full pet. So it does not do tricks, nor does it eat.

Its kind of cute though in a weird sort of way. It was funny watching it running around my yard.

Soccer Ball Pet Pal with new color scheme
10,000 Coin
3 Wooden Walkways
1 Curved Wooden Walkway
1 Wooden Walkway Ramp

The guild wars dragon festival is on Thursday, July 1st to Sunday, July 4th.

It also features a visit from the Emperor himself 🙂

Audience with the Emperor: On Sunday, July 4th, Emperor Kisu himself will appear every two hours in Shing Jea Monastery to start the final reenactment of the festival, which features master actors in traditional Canthan theater masks. If this historical reenactment is completed successfully, the Emperor will express his satisfaction with a generous gift to all those who have gathered 250 Victory Tokens during the festival. If the Emperor is not pleased, things will not go as well…

Check out the bigfoot bash event.

It’s Summer Camp Adventure Week! There are rumors that Bigfoot has been sighted in the Greenwood Forest! Bigfoot likes to stay hidden, but maybe a party will make him reveal himself. After all, who can resist dancing and cake?

Join us at our Bigfoot Bash in the Greenwood Forest! We may not spot Bigfoot, but we’ll have a great time trying to convince him to stop hiding and just have some fun!

The times are:

Thursday June 24th, 2010
3pm Pacific Time
(U.S. and Latin America)
Server 1

Friday June 25th
9:00am Pacific Time / 4:00pm GMT
(UK and Europe)
Server 1

If you have not already go to the wizard 101 twitter and pick up your party pack code.

Add your entry to the Fallen Earth Caption thread.

Happy Midsummer. Hope your head is not too sore today if you were partying last night.


I’ve no real interest in the world cup.

I am not that interested in football and it seems they are ok with cheating.

However if you are interested, then check out free realms events for the world cup.

I have been making my way up north finishing as many solo quests as I can find. Good fun and some interesting story lines. Found out about the Doc in watchtower. I’m clone 67 it seems. Trying to find out what happened to billy sister.

I have been crafting a good bit too. Trying to keep them as close to maxed as I can (for being a non crafter on my rifle character).

I took a look as far north as Trumbull. Some nice nodes there and a barter vault but I want to finish up the group quests to make some space before questing there.


I keep checking in for War in Kryta updates. The little stories are fun.

By Murro

Over the past few days in Lion’s Arch I have noticed just as many adventurers and bounty hunters departing for the provinces on missions against the White Mantle, but I have also noticed more than a few parties of adventurers returning to the capital broken and defeated. It would seem that many of the White Mantle agents who are the subject of these bounties are more formidable than anticipated.

As an example, take the young warrior Aretes Kenjo and his group of fellow adventurers, who were unsuccessful in their attempt to dispatch Destor the Truth Seeker, a White Mantle officer. The dejected would-be heroes, so full of vim and confidence a few days earlier, now staggered back into Lion’s Arch, bloodied and battered.

“We didn’t think he’d be so powerful…” the dazed Aretes Kenjo said as he stumbled past.

When asked if he and his group would attempt another bounty, the young warrior just looked at this scribe and said nothing. The haunted look in his eyes told me that the answer was no.

The guild wars wiki also covers a lot of the new content.

Playing this week

  • Guild Wars
  • Disgaia 3
