Exploring War Like Worlds.

Archive for December 2009

Luminary with Aeria games is closing down. There is other english versions so while its sad for its community to lose what they built, they can play elsewhere.

Dear Luminary Community,

We thank you for playing Luminary, and we really had a lot of fun with you and hope you did too!

We are especially sad to announce that we have to close Luminary in mid January. As of now, you will not be able to use the Item Mall in Luminary anymore but you will still be able to play the game until mid January. We greatly value every player and we feel the community here is really strong so we would like to interest you in staying with us on one of our other English games which you can find here.

The community are talking on the forum about moving to ndoors. I wish you all well.

Also to be clear, Aeria games are helping players make the transfer with their characters. Read the thread on the forum on what will be moved.


The mabinogi eu closed beta is over. However open beta will start up next year.

If you were not in the closed beta, look out for this and try the open beta. Mabinogi has a very good rep from the us version of the game and its a very open game world. It also has a nice gathering and crafting system.

I did not know that as a member you can talk to the party planners.

Thats a really nice idea for when your throwing a party.

If you’re a Member looking to throw a party in Free Realms, you will want to talk to the Party Planners.

The Party Planners are your gateway to awesome new party locations located in special locations across the world. These party areas are decorated with balloons and even a cake with special abilities. Anyone that clicks on the cake will receive a temporary illusion to help them get into the spirit of the party.

The Party Planners will only talk to Members, but if you have a friend who is not a Member, they can teleport to your location inside the party. Invite as many friends as you want!

I need to throw more partys 🙂

The evil snowmen are staying in snowhill. I like and approve. They were fun to fight.

For your amusement, one dwarfs hat collection.

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Some of the culture in Lord of the rings online, I find strange.

For example in Lotro, the players do not seem to be as aware that women and girls play the game as in the servers I played in, in wow. Its odd.

I am so used to the idea of that in any possible group or kin/guild situation for other games that its most likely a mixed group, possible with younger players. I keep running into people who assume everyone is male and that that there is no danger of young ears.

From all the time spent with married couples, single women and family friendly guilds/kins I think I will always assume the opposite.

At least the kinship I’m in has a woman guild leader and women officers. Normality 🙂

Another thing I notice in a barrows run is there does not seem to be as developed behavior philosophy, need only for main spec upgrade, greed for anything else.

I’m hoping the need before greed thing improves, because it was sad to see the tank need the trophy that dropped from the last boss barefaced. I was thinking why? why need? surely everyone should have a chance on that one.

Plus there isn’t the idea of saying before we go in, what the loot policy is. Thats a good idea. That should be used in every game for clarity.

For instance in Perfect World, its pretty basic notion to follow the tank, healer stay with the tank, don’t run off on your own. In lotro some one ran off on their own twice. So odd. Still in PW and in Lotro I have seen the tank run at their own speed, not waiting for the healer, not watching the healers mana/power, not allowing the healer any chance to loot.

le sigh

Well I can live with it, loot is pretty meanless anyway to the casual. But still it seems so dumb.

A video (its not lotro, but its catchy.. all the ninja raiders.. qqq)

EverQuest 2 for E2.50 on steam? Very nice. I picked up one for me and one for a friend. 30 days play for that amount is a great deal.

Here are some ideas for your lotro cosmetic outfits.

The favourite cosmetic outfit thread.

This lotro cosmetic dresses page, which is from this page about the craftable armor.

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Playing this week

  • Guild Wars
  • Disgaia 3
