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Posts Tagged ‘Fallen Earth

Yesterdays patch notes are on the forum.

We now have faction chat. You will see this in the channel section. You can not enable it if you do not yet have a faction. It appears to be as a sort of global chat channel, and to help add to joining a faction.

Added a subscription based faction specific chat channel.

Also very useful is this

Added text on the item examination window for skill books whether the knowledge has been learned or not.

Now its clear if you have that book or not.

/tell is currently not working.

Here is the most recent fallen earth trailer.

Its cool where you are at the point in a game, when you can say “know that, been there, killed that”.

The clans are meeting on friday june the 11th to talk about the state of the game and lots of other things.

Friday, June 11th at 7PM central, 8PM eastern.
To invite all Fallen Earth clans to join in a round-table discussion about the current status of the FE community as well as what we would like to see in the future. Hopefully, all to ensure the continued health of the community. In addition, we will be discussing current features and their impact on the game community overall.

Its clan leaders+1 so the rest of us will just have to ask someone to see whats occurs. Or maybe someone will report back?

In game I am currently questing in linewood and finished the quests for the one near oilville.

I may have decided I love Moosh’s comments on fallen earth.

There’s a book called Craft Pen. Buy it. Make pens. They’re stupid expensive, especially considering the fact that the book costs less than the price of two pens.
They don’t even have nasty ingredients, and they stack nicely in the bank for when you need them.”

“And when the time comes to leave our 2by4 for something a little less brutally unpolished, such as a sword, there will be a heart-felt decommissioning ceremony, with tears, testimonials, and a lone bugler playing the last post.”

“The shortest route between two points is via all the resource nodes.”

“When questioned, the NPCs explained that they were a little radical in their faction’s combat philosophy, and gave a good reason why (Gosh, we find firearms to be rather efficacious in ranged combat, duckie).”

Maybe I should do a quote of the week?

But I write this because one day as I was foraging vegetables, a man approached me. Dressed in ragged clothing similar to my own, I presumed him to be the owner of the farm, readying my pistol only to find some cosmic force preventing me from willingly drawing my only means of defense. The man, however, simply approached me, extended his arm, and shook my own. When he spoke, I felt myself awash in heat, his voice reminding me of the depictions of God on the various radio shows, yet not as low pitched. He said;
“You have proven yourself to be a masterful survivalist, and you have foraged more than a thousand fruits, vegetables, and various other plants. For this, I want to give you a special reward.”
He reached into his pocket and retrieved an egg, which I immediately recognized as a prairie chicken egg, and number of chips reminiscent of my own poker-chip currency. Handing each individually to me, he turned and was gone in the blink of an eye. I will still remember his departing words;
“Keep hold of those. You will find use for them in the near future.”


I finished embry and oilville and then went to depot 66.

All sorts of weirdos have came here, as the Travelers are known to take in lunatics… as long as they have chips. In this little town, you’ll find a Shakespearian Theater Troupe, an aspiring magician, a dinosaur theme park, (Complete with a roller coaster,) and even a famous big game hunter! (Ok, so he’s more talk than hunter, but Dundee does know his way around the scorpion hives nearby, so he’s worth talking to.)

The dinosaur statues and the Shakespeare open air theater is pretty cool. I expected more dinosaurs in the park however. Maybe because I was thinking of crystal place.

There is also a trivia night tonight

Attention wasteland residents! We’re putting your wits to the test this Thursday, May 13 and Saturday, May 15 from 8-11 p.m. EDT (GMT -4) as we find out just how much you know about your surroundings!

West karana was saying there should be a gunsmoke mmorpg.

Westerns were big in the fifties and sixties. REALLY big. As many different sorts of crime shows are on today, were how many westerns were on back then.

I think there already is. To me fallen earth is gives the wild west experience even if it really is weird wild west.

When I was little, the only thing I remember being on tv was the westerns. Old american tv was bought up cheap, sometimes translated and shown on foreign tv. I remember watching john wayne and the lone ranger and zorro. My earliest knowledge of america was probably based off these westerns.

Riding a horse in fallen earth, with my rifle and cowboy hat and brown jackets brings back those memories.

Probably what we are really waiting for is a Native American rpg, where we can defend lands against those invaders. Picking off cowboys with arrows or rifles 🙂 Winning the battle that the native tribes couldn’t do at the time due to the technological advantages of their enemies.

Doing a straight up western MMOrpg as an adult does not work. You look at the cowboys and think your the bad guys, the invaders, we need to make it post-appoc to make it ok. When the cowboys are fighting mutants and zombies and mutated animals you don’t think of actual history.

Us bad players can then take many sides, fighting zombies and mutants as pseudo cowboys in fallen earth, and fighting the english and settlers if they ever did a Native American rpg. Before there was nazi’s and russians there was the red coats. History gives us great settings and interesting worlds to create.

There is a developer f&q on the forums at the moment.

What was the funniest report a GM ever wrote to you?
Herd of cows congregating on barn roof. There were like 12 of them all clustered on a shanty roof, grazing and everything.

Thanks to all the gm’s who have been let go from fallen earth. Sad to see you go and good luck for the future. This also goes for all those who worked on the game that we do not get to speak to.

It seems like Neona, Massive, El Chosen and Daxus are no longer around.

We appreciate the hard work of the gms who remain. Good luck all!

You can read the patch notes 1.3.11 on the fallen earth forum.

You can now duel. Though the broadcast may be annoying, however it is only local chat.

Dueling System
We hope you’ve got some practice from the PTS as fellow wastelanders will now have the ability to challenge you to a full-on brawl anywhere outside the PvP zones! If you’re successful, you’ll enjoy a local broadcast publicizing your feat!

New Gallows is updated.

We’ve all heard that New Gallows has been taken over by Human League reinforcements and now you’ll have a chance to head over there and check it out for yourselves. This first stage of the town revamp means new missions and reward items, so be sure to visit Gallows before it’s reactivated as a conflict town in patch 1.4!

Rifles got a bit of a boost again.

Changed rifle Melee Defense penalties to scale based on subtype. For example, Sniper Rifles and Crossbows maintain the -60 penalty, while Battle Rifles have had their penalty reduced to -30, and Assault Rifles and Shotguns are likewise reduced to -15. Heavy Weapons such as the rocket launcher retain their -60 Melee Defense penalty. Special enhanced crafted versions may cut these penalties further as appropriate.

There is a few bad points, like crafting xps going down for vehicles and books.

Playing this week

  • Guild Wars
  • Disgaia 3
