Exploring War Like Worlds.

Archive for the ‘Guild Wars 2’ Category


Something is stirring in the Sea of Sorrows – and we want to make sure that you are not missing out, so here is a schedule (without spoilers) for you, so you can plan ahead:

  • On Friday November 16th at noon PST (20:00 GMT) the weekend will kick off with an Event in Lion’s Arch that you don’t want to miss. This will trigger events in other parts of Tyria as well.
    *On Saturday November 17th at noon PST (20:00 GMT), another phase will kick in.
    Each phase is triggered by a special event, but you will be able to enjoy additional content afterwards even if you cannot make the kick-off time. There is one exception:

The event will culminate in a big Finale on Sunday November 18, make sure you will not miss it. This will be a onetime only event chain that will run multiple hours, and it will kick off at noon PST (20:00 GMT). Again, this will only run once, so make sure you will be there! There will be plenty of content available to enjoy that will remain permanently in the world as a result of the outcome of this event on Sunday.

We will give you more details once we get closer to the event, but wanted to give you an early heads up so you can plan accordingly.



Hello again. I mostly stopped playing. I got married and had a baby.

I am playing Guild Wars 2 now a few times a week and would like to share/store some notes on the game.

Please look out for me.

My Monk/Memser is now just before the Weh no Su. I have finished the Weh no Su previously on my Warrior so it will be my second time through it.

My monk is level 18 and I am making an effort to get her good amour, weapons and some heroes before she does the trial to become closer to the stars.

Mondes Persistants has interviewed Chris Lye.

Map travel:
“One of the key characteristics of Guild Wars 2 will be the Asura gates, which will be portals that players can use to travel from place to place. These gates will be used to link the different areas of Tyria together and will make map travel possible.”

“The dragons play an enormous role in the story of Guild Wars 2–they are the ultimate enemy, the primal (?) forces of nature. We can’t really talk about the role they will play in PvP for the time being, but the dragons spread their shadow over the whole universe of Guild Wars.”

We haven’t made any announcements about the level cap in Guild Wars 2, aside from the fact that it will be higher than 20

The interview can be read in English and french.

The new art for the male Sylvari looks pretty cool. I play 99% of the time female characters but it looks great. You can check out all the new art and download two wallpapers on the Guild Wars 2 site.

I had not see their youtube channel before either. They have some nice videos there, including some from PAX. Fall of Ascalon is set one year before the start of Guild Wars two. Its a book coming out. The Guild Wars novels are going to be canon. One of the writers helped with Deadlands and writes for tabletop rpgs. Thats  pretty cool.

“The official release date for GW2 is “When it’s done” 😉 ~RB”

Companions are a feature in Guild Wars 2. Companions will have customisability similar to the Heroes of the original Guild Wars game series. Players will be allowed to bring a single companion with them, who will not take up a party slot. When a player chooses not to bring a companion, their character will instead be buffed so that they will not be disadvantaged by not bringing a companion.

I was playing a mission in guild wars the other night and had a little party of 3 npcs with me. I really really like the npc system. Its fun to have them along and let the tank tank and save the healer.

It will be a bit sad in guild wars 2 that it sounds like your only allowed one npc along with you.

Biobreak has a post on some of the news thats out.

One change is:

Will be an open, persistent world with instances and dungeons

Thats a big move away from the areas outside towns being instanced. I think thats probally a good idea as it was a bit lonely in the solo friendly guild wars 1.

I hope the henchmen will be like the heros you get in guild wars heros. That was pretty cool.

“We can’t fully explain the companions system yet, but we can say that the game will be soloable,” says studio head Mike O’Brien. “This goes back to that accessibility issue – we want players to be able to pick up the game and play it in the style that they want to play it. If they want to solo, we want to enable that… if they want to play with a group of specific people, we want to enable that as well.”

They also have a cool video out. Take a look. I love the look of the new races. The painted art in the trailor is beautiful. The visuals towards the end of the trailor appear to be some of the new zones which look great.

the humans who hate the Charr, the Asura who are naturally sceptical about every other race, who think they’re better, the Sylvari who are young and new and don’t understand the nature of the world, and the Norn who are just naturally independent. Someone has to bring them together, and that someone is the player character.”

They have told everyone on twitter they will still keep guilds wars 1 running when guild wars 2 comes out. Thats a good idea, because I can see some of the new people who join for guild wars 1 picking up the old games to look at the old plot or to try the old game. Also I still want to play more of the old game 🙂 even if I’m also playing the new game.

We will get to fight dragons and undead. That will be cool. Its been done, but I don’t mind. Fighting dragons will always be cool. They are going to events instead of quests. I’m not a 100% that will work, but we will see how it plays. If its fun and not a worse grind than just killing monsters over and over to level then it will be well received.

They are also adding jumping, crafting and some other things to do beyond fighting. I think this is a good idea. It will give more reason to hang around in the game when you don’t want to fight or do events. Aion probally is week in this area. Hopefully Guild Wars 2 is stronger.

They also talked about a lot of underwater exploration for every race. This might be fun. I had a lot of fun with underwater missions with my druid in early wow. The visuals shown at the end shows interesting areas to explore and the plot does say that the undead army comes from that drowned empire.

Guild Wars 2 is coming along soon.

I haven’t played a huge amount of guild wars 1. I picked up all the expansions and the main game pretty cheaply so its been a game I played around on. I’ve played a bit into each campaign but my main is only half way to the super low level cap of 20. When you reach the level cap the main game is supposed to begin so I really should hit that.

I don’t think I’ve really played enough yet to warrent getting the second one, however since once you buy the game you have it, I’ll probally buy it anyway.

I’ll also get to keep my guild war one names to use in guild wars two which is nice. Their races sound interesting too. I know I’ll make a sylvari simply because not enough games have plant people.


Playing this week

  • Guild Wars
  • Disgaia 3
